Was practicing for Eug & Jac's wedding song...
Then we went shopping... (Weilin, Giselle, Gerald and Me)
And met up HX, Celine, Charlie...

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Gerald to see more -
I was on despatch duties y'day...
(As in office delivery boy running from camps to camp delivering mails/articles)
Well, my camp had hired a corporate driver outside camp to fetch me around in his van.
As we were unfamiliar with each other for the 1st time, he opened up with a chat...
Driver: "Eh, boy... U know IMH? Woodbridge Hospital?"
Me: "Yah... why?"
Driver: "Well, I was driving some nurses there y'day... to distribute the Subutex and..."
Me: "uh..huh.."
Driver: "You know, the crowd for the Subutex thing is really going crazy... Due to the ban of selling Subutex in the clinics last week, the locals can only collect their Subutex from the hospital now. And those who come to get it will be tagged. Can you guess how big was the crowd that came?"
Me: "Hmmm... A few hundred?"
Driver: "Nooooo..... Where got so little..? It was a total of 6000 people. Ages ranging from 14 - 80 plus year old. And some of them, after consuming the pill, they go to the loo... gulge and vomit the pill to sell it again to earn $$$"
Me: "Oh my god..."
Driver: "Yup... But each person is only allowed a pill per 3 days you see, that's why lor... Then, among the crowd... I saw some girl having a baby in her arms when they came to get the pill... the so-called 'dunno' boyfriend or husband with her also... whole family lor... "
Me: "Haizzz... Sad siah... Shouldn't the government do something about it? Like I thought we had a drug rehabilation center or some sort..."
Driver: "Well, it is the drug rehabilation center who is at fault now. The Subutex given by them was supposed to suppress the drug addicts from their addictions. But turns out, they found out a way to make themselves high from the use of Subutex. By taking sweet stuff. Example; Cough Syrup..."
Me: "Wah Lau... Like that no hope liao lor... Haizz"
Driver: "Yah... And i pity the kids and baby. So young. And the mother must have been addicted since pregnancy. The poor baby didn't choose to take drugs lor. I hope he doesn't get deformed or turn retarded in sum way. And also... Those small boys, 14 years old only lor... They'll do anything to get the drug due to addiction. Steal, snatch, rob, bully. That's why it's hard for the garment to put a total ban to it. Or else there'll probably be chaos."
Me: "What is this world coming to sia..."
Driver: "But i guess, most of them were Malays. I'd noticed Chinese don't take this kinda things. They go for high-class stuff. Like Ecstacy, Ice or Heroin. These Subutex too cheap thrills for them... but once, there was the glue-sniffing period. THAT... the Chinese had majority..."
Me: "Wow... if you never tell me... i also dunno all these sia... sigh..."
-- blah blah blah --
Gosh... After knowing all this, feel so sad...
Pls pray for those poor fellow Singaporeans who have become an addict of the stupid Subutex...