Interesting fun & prolly memorable day...
It's been a great day today... Junwei, my NS colleague invited me to go to his house along with my other colleagues for a night stay... Really appreciated it. And the next day, a game of tennis @ the Kallang Tennis Courts. Heheh....

[Kenny, Kwang Hui, Gareth, Junwei]
It was fun. But i kinda look like a lobster now. Ouch! Sunburnt...
After service today... I went to meet my BMT frens @ Newton Circus hawker.
Met YG, Mingming, AhXiang, Gordon...
Wow, it's been one year since I last seen them.
They all seem to be doing fine.
YG is starting school @ NUS next monday, doing Computer Science.
But his break with his 7 year long gf sure made him a different person now...
May God bless these pple!
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