I lived among the zillions of lives that God has created. And this is my chronicles...
But is this 'fantasy or fact' that you witness?
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Gurmit Singh and I...

I noticed I have quite a few things in common with Gurmit Singh..

1. We are both Christian.
2. We are both good looking. (Hehe... >_<)
3. We are cool in nature but can be great comedians.
4. We were in NPCC before
5. We both worked @ TCS b4. (He's still in it...)
6. We both have 1/4 Japanese blood in us. (Surprised?)


- The Straits Times, Life!, Monday August 28 2006-

"... Well Singh is part-Japanese, a fact he found out from his father only after his mother died in 2001.
Showing you treasured family photographs he has taken along to the interview, he reveals that his maternal grandfather was a Japanese soldier who left Singapore after World War II ended, leaving behind a baby girl he fathered with a Chinese woman.
The infant was almost abandoned shortly after birth. Luckily, she was adopted by a childless Indian couple -- and grew up to eventually become Singh's mother..."

My whole childhood was about depression. I've prayed for God to strike me with lightning. I always thought I was never good enough for anybody or anything"

Mrs Singh (Melissa Wong) says:
"Gurmit is a very easy person to love. He's very forgiving, not judgemental and always makes time for others"

Pierre Png says:
"Gurmit's a big brother, a mentor and a mediator. He speaks up for part-time actors when they are not being treated well. He is also very patient towards others."


To me, Gurmit Singh impacted me a lot in my life.
Being such a leading example. Being such a great man.
I still recall seeing him outside my school evangelising to the kids when we were all still young.
And He was also rejected by the Sikhs for disowning their religion.
Cause... the race Sikhs comes with the religion...
And he was a total outcast.
But amidst all these. He stands strong and tall...
He is a leading Singaporean example.

I salute you, Brother Gurmit.
Thank you for all the encouragement you gave me...

And this post is dedicated to you.....

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." - Matthew 5:13


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