Hope Store features:

Maximized Manhood - Ed Cole
To DI4 guys : Great book to work on...
(I reading this in camp plus 2 other Ed Cole books)
Met Jeremiah for caregroup today at AMK @ 1600hr...
Was suppose to join them for a jog... but i think, due 2 my back condition, i'd rather skip it.. As usual, the attendance present today was... Sigh... Only Jeremiah, Timothy & Me... (Plus Ricky, because I rather he come out to have some fresh air than to stay home playing that PC the whole day)
So Jeremiah shared with us about this topic called "ownership"...
'Ownership of our cellgroup'... It seemed like he was lecturing us initially...
So the atmosphere felt weird... but he was right...
"This caregroup is ours, not only you, not only me, not only "Jeremiah" but "WE"...
...A church is not just a white cathedral with a big bell on the top but a group of God's children worshipping him, praising him & loving him together... And that can be anywhere... and it isn't physical...
And it seems like we guys just seems to take this caregroup for granted & not seriously...
"Guys (including me), it's time we put down our playful & nonchalent ways of life & start serving God as a "man"... not just any man... but a "man of God"
We come to church not because we are being called to do so... We are not saved just by 'only believing that He is God & His son died for us'... And we don't sing, dance, jump and speak in tongues on Saturday because everyone does it...
We are doing all these for Him...
Let me just change the topic...
Where would we be now if He never created you?
Where would we be now if He never forgave u?
Where would we be now if He never loved u?He gave us life, he gave us family, he gave us friends and he gave us comfort...
Be thankful that we are still living today and enjoying all the beautiful & natural art and sculpture he creates everyday...
So what is the least thing we shld do?
The purpose why we attend caregroup is that God wants to mould us...
Through the lessons we learn, and the time spent together with our brethrens... We'll matured in His eyes, in His plans...
For all the problems we are going through, let us all put them in His hands and believe that He will help and solve everything for us...
Currently, I am having some financial problem... but i've sort it out...
Even if i go bankrupt, I still have the church... I still have my brothers & sisters to help me out... God will never let me down...
Secondly. I'm longing for more wisdom... I long to be a shepherd or worst, to be CL... But I can't attend so many church courses, conferences and camps due to my army. Yet, God arranges a Hope-brother in my company of my camp to help me out... Praise the Lord
Guys, just think to the worst, even if he let the worst happens, God will never ditch us... And so, we should never ditch him for our own pleasure, time and convenience...
So guys, are u ready to put back the old you and start living in the Kingdom of God as a man of God... and take responsibilty for your own life?
If u are...
"Welcome to the BMT phrase of being a "Man of God"... There will be more to come... SISPEC, OCS , etc... LoL..."
Verses to help:Facing a crisis - Joshua 1:5-9, Samuel 22:2-7, Isaiah 55
Family problems - Ephesians 6:1-4
The Prodigal Son - Luke 15:11-32Worried about money - 1 Timothy 6:6-12, Luke 12:13-21
*Besides changing those old ways. encourage & care 4 ya fellow brothers too!*
A good example of how to be a man of God is "The Joseph story" (Genesis 37-50) Where God gave him the gift of understanding dreams, and however his life wasn't very smooth and peaceful, but it was all a test from God and yet he did Him proud. We all have lots to learn from Joseph...