Codename : [C2L2]
It's been quite a "hot" week for this week...
"Hot" not as in tropically hot nor sweating hot but...
as in [my army platoon is all pissed off and "hot"]...
A week back in camp creates more tension and more stress... Sigh...
Just like I predicted...
PC Soh and PC Jeremiah are moving on and out of scouts...
And we welcome a new PC 'See Mite' to take over... Interesting name, hehe...
PC Mite is kinda nice, quiet but kinda bullied by that stupid Fat'Soh'...
Throwing all his unfinished work to PC Mite b4 he go for his ORD celebrations...
For PC Mite, all I can say is "!@#$%^&"...
There's been some conflict going on in the Support Coy... Or shld I say politics?
The sergeants over in Mortar Coy (Especially the short one)is kinda having prejudice with our Scouts platoon... Sabohtaging us instead of helping each other...
For example, saying our bad words behind to our OC... When we did nothing to them...
Some other sergeants from Pioneer too...
And it seems like the Scouts MUST BE the elite forces in the batallion... and they must portray the BEST example, eg. no resting during free time, no buying of extra food from the canteen when the Cookhouse food is unedible, IPPT gold for all Scouts, and when mistakes are made, we have to sign 3 "extras" (Guard duty during the weekends), and yet the allowance is lesser than the Signallers...
What rational is behind all these? Sigh...
The Scouts sergeants used to be kinda close with the Scouts trooper before the ISPC course and the Brunei trip... But now, there seems to be some kind of barrier between the both of them...
The sergeants are made to be more strict & disciplinary... No longer friendly towards each other... [All being forced to turn into another personalities whom they never were]
and well, returning from the Brunei trip, there seems to be also conflict between this person and that... Some are slower thus causing sabohtage to the platoon...
And since PS Heng Ka got handovered his Platoon Sergeant duities, he became irrational... totally not himself. He wanted to imitate PS Yeap, trying to act fierce and incorporating punishment for small things. But that's not his way, and thus he gets more pple disliking him... Sigh (I do understand he's under great stress, but he handled it badly.)
The welfare, the off-in-lieu they owe us so much... and now these...
Well, I can just say... Next week, the drama has more to come...

*Everyone is sad... God... Wat to do now?
Oh, Finally... I got my downgrade status today... Perm Pes C2L2... Sigh
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