Worship of a glorious church...
Some of the guys are at JB for the Church camp... Enjoy, guys!
So, the Tertiary service was exceptionally quiet today...
Today's sermon is by Shirley... Super inspiring, moving & motivating...

Title: Worship of a glorious church
Revelations 5:8-14
wor·ship (wûrshp)noun.
1 a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.
b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.
2 Ardent devotion; adoration.
God prefers outward expressions/actions...
Some pple can worship in joy estatically and yet some pple just stand still... Although the "still" pple may think that they are also worshipping to God with all their heart, thinking that God would understand that they are passive... But God would prefers their outward expressions/actions...
'Cos in Heaven, the heavens will be a place of joy, dance and praise..
How will they get accustom there without getting used to it now? Hehe
- Outward actions of worship (v8a)
Psalm 26:12
To remind us.... e.g.. Holy Communion- Psalm 134:2 - Lifting up hands
When a gun is pointed at you, you lift up ya hands & surrender.
Thus lifting up ya hands means surrendering ourselves... - Psalm 47:1 - Clapping hands and Shouting
In a concert, you'll clap ya hands and shout for the star to encourage them.
Similarly, we clap our hands and shout to Him. - Psalm 149:3 - Dancing with joy
During the "Liverpool" match, Shirley's blog was flooded with tags exclaiming how happy her friends are for Liverpool's victory... Haha... How ecstatic and joyful they were.... But a victory in a soccer league won't get you eternal life. This makes us followers more ashamed of how much we adore Him yet we can't dance for joy...
- Psalm 134:2 - Lifting up hands
- Worship with music (v8b)
God is the Lord of Music. (Amen) But Satan corrupts it...
Hearing all those secular music on the radio. E.g. Sex, one night stand, hatred and revenge, etc...
There is no such thing as "Christian Music" but "Christian lyrics".
It's weird how people can do so much with music but yet, there isn't any rap song for God. LOL...
Psalm 150:3-6 - Worship God with Music.
1 Sam 16:23 - God provides healing through the music - Worship with prayer (v8c)
Psalm 141:2 - Prayer and worship works hand-in-hand. - Sing a new song from our hearts (v9a)
Psalm 40:3 - Singing without lyrics & it comes from the Holy spirit.
When a young kid sings out of tune to his parents, the parents will never reprimand him or lecture him. But rather, encouraging him/her... similarly God doesn't care how awful we are gonna sing because of His love towards us.
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