As I blog, the title seems familiar...
Suddenly, I remembered I fell in love with the song when Weilian sang it at the finals of Superstar last year. I recall blogging the chords for this song on the 02/09/05...

1st, thank you so much to all who came down for my performance last night... Was really touched. (Those who dropped smses too, thank you so much also.)
Chiew Fang | Yolanda | Charlie |
Angel - Zhexi | Mei Hwa | Huixian |
Jia Hao & GF | Weilin | Wanrong |
Jennifer | TianHan | Clarence |
Actually, things got screwed up alittle. I was supposed to be singing
[你那么爱她 by 李圣杰 & 林隆璇]. But I didn't get enough time to inform the staff at Hark's. They changed the style of the contest. 1st round, KTV style. 2nd round, unplugged. So I had no choice but to stick to the song they prepared for me.
[我真的受伤了]I was thinking: 'Die lah... No practice & can't remember the lyrics. Should i backout?'
Panic, panic, panic...
Then the waiter told me... "I lend u the lyrics lor... U go through... Dun worry, can one!"
So I just tried to memorised the lyrics as best as possible...
There were 8 contestants for this week... I was placed as no.6...
Somehow Hark's been changing the style of the competition every week...
This time, they managed to find the karaoke - 'minus one' for the songs selected. So...
First Round -
Karaoke PerformanceSecond Round -
Unplugged PerformanceThe songs performed were beautiful. Some of the performers could really imitate the original singers very well. E.g. Ronald Cheng, Van Fan Yi Chen... But somehow it lacked creativity. The personal touch.
Jimmy(Contestant No.3) sang 'I believe' so beautifully. Though it sounded like Van. But to reach a range like Van isn't easy... So, i give my hats off to you, Jimmy!

'Piano' was done so beautifully too. Err...
Keira(No.7) did struggle on the last chorus. But c'mon... It was very good already. I liked the girl [No.5] who did the David Tao song... Nice rendition. But she didn't get in though. =(
Round OneMy turn came...
Sang the karaoke-edited version...
*Shit* ... Too fast come in...
*Shit* ... forgot lyrics...
Amos was like '
Oh no... See screen!!! See screen!!!'
But after that, I carried the song as best as i could..
Shucks... Damn... Round 1... Bad impression...
Round TwoUnplugged version.

Amos told me to sing a rock version...
So I tried to... tried to get the beat...
So i danced a bit... (But the judge say i '

Dun think i did well... cause I forgot the lyrics again. Gan Chiong...
Then Amos suggest I sing the original tempo...
Then the judge say i always stick my tongue out...
So better watch that out on my next act.
They did mentioned I can get the most showmanship prize though. (=_= ")
So I sang again... Unplugged...
Using the mic stand, I sang with my eyes closed most of the time...
then 'they' were saying I sang with TOO MUCH emotions. And standing there with the mic stand, a bit '
mu na'... But this time, i remember the lyrics pretty well.
And of coz, my peeps were cheering and yelling 4 me...
Too much use of the nose voice, and pls hold your mic nearer to the mouth!!!" were the comments... LoL... Amos got irritated, then he cried out "
Hey hey, today not Monday hor. Not practice night! I know u guys like him and want him to improve. But too much comments..." LoLz
Anyway, haiyah... suan le la...
My pattern can never make it one la...
Too much hope = too much disappointment...
The time was already 11 after all had the turns to sing. And most of them had to go.
So I thanked them all for coming and for all the support.
Then a fella came up to me and asked if I was Gerald's church fren.
He came with his gf... And was there to support me!!!
Thanks man, bro!!! (Heard from Gerald that his fren's a student at Hark)
And @ about 11:15pm, they announced the results.
Sharon came with the bill... Hundred plus. Wah!!! LoL...
So... there I was digging my pockets for the money and *shit* not enough... Dig dig dig...
and then... in the background, I hear Amos going, "the first winner for tonight is... "
"... 窗外阴天了 音乐低声了 我的心开始想你了 ..."
What the?! Huh?!?! I was shocked...
C'mon... I sucked big time back there man!
My fellas who were still around cheered...
[Weiling, Clarence, Angel & Joseph]
I didn't believe it... Thanks Peepz!!!
Most of the guys congratulated me. Even there was this guy, Jimmy's friend... (Used to be my ex-campmate from the mortar platoon) came to shake my hand.
Seriously, I really thought I would be the last 2nd one...
The other winners are of coz, Jimmy, Keira and Chap...

It was really one experience...
But honestly... How do i vie in the finals man?