Best Vocal Tone Award

I have nothing much to say about my performances...
You can feel free to check the hark's blog for updates and the videos.
But mainly, wanna thank my 死党 for coming down to support me @ the finals. The performance is for you guys alone. Though i screwed it up...
The trophy belongs to you guys.
Of coz, the trophy is dedicated to Ah-Pa (Abba).
He gave me the 'Best Vocal Tone' mah... right? hehe
Thanks to those who got me as far to the finals too.
My thank you speech
"Thank you Clarence for being my assistance. Helping me carry this and that.
Thank you Joseph for the encouragement and guidance.
Thank you Wanrong and Clarence for being my crazy supporters.
Thank you Shelby and Huixian for staying till the results.
Thank you Huixian, Wanrong, Clarence, Weilin for coming down during my every performance.
Thank you Seth for coming!!! I'm so touched.
Thank you Josh for coming too...
Thank you Weilin for rushing down after work.
Thank you Charlie for dropping by to pray for me!!!
Lastly, thank you Ah-Pa for giving me the experience and the best vocal..."
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