I lived among the zillions of lives that God has created. And this is my chronicles...
But is this 'fantasy or fact' that you witness?
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
It's Manta's birthday party @ East Coast Park!!!
I was invited to Manta's sweetest 19th birthday party @ East Coast Park BBQ Pit 25 last night...
The guys who could attend [From DI] were Joseph, Michael & Me [>_< ]
As the rest had to prepare for their Poly/DI gender camp...
Apologies for the blur photos...
My cameraphone no flash...
Takes only blackish images in the night... =P

Sunday, October 23, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
It suddenly came to my mind that I'd forgotten one group...
For those whose passion has run dry...
It came to my notice that Singaporean has really caught up the 'idol' craze thingy... Sg Idol, Superstar, Augerah, Vesantham Star...
One Saturday when I was on my way to church, [as I had to walk thru Tiong Bahru Plaza to get to the train station], there was a 'Superstar' autograph session thingy at the open space. And the whole place was packed with teenagers sitting on the floor, standing, holding banners, placards, idol-printed tee shirts and etc...
And as the event ended, the 'Superstars' left off in their Mediacorp mini bus. And to my surprise, there were some really crazy female fan groups who had booked down taxis and coaches to stalk their idols. The whole street was in a mess. And I had never seen so many vehicles squeezed in that backlane on usual days... Those who couldn't get any vehicles, were literally running and chasing after the moving off mini-bus... Woah~
My God... 'Superstars' are just normal human beings like you and me...
It's just that they were blessed with some talents that we don't possess...
It came to my mind...
If people can go all crazy for 'Superstars', why can't people go all crazy for 'God'?
C'mon, he's our creator, our provider and our nature designer.
He gives us life, beautiful secenaries and memories...
He brings us music and love...
So why can't we do banners for him too?
Why can't we wear His T-shirts? Hang His posters in our rooms?
Listen to His Music?
Do you get what I'm trying to say, already...?
Check your heart...
Breakthrough everyone...
It's been a long time since I'd last blogged...
Hi frens,
it's been a long time since I last blogged...
Kinda sad that I'll be moving on to the Adults group...
Thanks for all the cards and encouragements guys!!! (>_< )
It has come to my mind that I've grown to another level in...
I'd always complained that I wasn't growing...
But in fact, God has been working slowly and quietly in me...
It's just that i'd never noticed...
Remember this, in this carnal life, whenever we get closer to God, the devil tries to come in between us... This idiot is trying to destroy our salvation...
This is to the faithless:
Are you serving Him in ya comfort zone or are u stepping out into the storm in faith?
Do you have that faith in Jesus?
This is to the stressful lot:
Who doesn't face problems in life? Be it financial problems, family problems, studies' problem, relationship problems... But it is through problems that God shape us.
King David was made a king of the God's people. but then... it came one day when he was overruled. He lost his throne, lost his fortune, lost his kingdom. And he had to live in a cave...
In that cave, he wrote the book of Psalms. If u noticed, the book of Psalms is a book of complaints. But yet David still praised and loved God for all that was laid on him. Raised to the highest peak and yet downfall to the lowest. David is a good example to all leaders and followers...
Don't lose confidence or faith... or you'll lose your salvation instead.
Make Peter an example of your faith...
Make David an encouragement to yourself...
Encourage all to be a shepherd...
Encourage all to encourage each other too...
[Cause the devil's always on the lookout to break one's faith]
Meihwa had the faith to make Shelby and HuiXian careleaders...
And yes, they did succeeded in God's strength...
Meihwa has the faith for all in DI too...
But do YOU have the faith to grow?
Towards your contacts,
do you have the faith that they'll answer God's calling?
Do YOU have the faith to S-O-W them too?
*Remember, not faith in yourself but faith in God...
Be it contacts or sheeps, be prepared to get bitten by them...
For it's gonna be real fun seeing your contacts/sheep grow, don't you think so?
Jeremiah 29:11
Thank you Shepherd Jeremiah & Jeyaraj.
Thank you Meihwa...
Thank God for all you guys in my life...
- For His Kingdom... What are you waiting for? -
God bless me a breakthrough soon...
God Speed,