I lived among the zillions of lives that God has created. And this is my chronicles...
But is this 'fantasy or fact' that you witness?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Technology News... (Technology Wars)
Operating Systems

For those who are anticipating or expecting a new operating system for your computer... it won't be known as Windows XP2 or Windows 2007... But 'Windows Vista'...
And like how the market works, everyone is copying/mimicking each other.
If you know how a 'Mac OS X' work... you will have no problem using the new 'Windows Vista Longhorn'

Games Consoles

Sony & Nintendo have released their latest, newest games consoles this festive seasons... But is it worth the grab? Why are people so crazy over it?
Here's the Wii advert... (Gosh, the americans are daring...)
Console Review (In Japanese/ No subtitle)
*Personally, I feel that the PS3 is too expensive and impractical yet.
Especially in SG. Today, saw a boy made his mom bought one for him. It cost SGD$1500.
and it's blu-ray. How are you gonna afford the games man? And the set he bought ain't a local set. Which means no warranty.
For a game console, I think Nintendo wins this time round.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
We didn't start the fire...
We didn't start the fire
It was always burning,
Since the world's been turning.
We didn't start the fire
Well, we didn't light it,
But we tried to fight it.
- Billy Joel
Monday, November 20, 2006
For the love of Christ, this Christmas... I bring you good news...
This Christmas,
I bring you the upcoming movie 'The Nativity Night'...

Bring your friends to see it!!!
For more information, visit the official website now...
Friday, November 17, 2006
Pain Pain Pain...
This month, or the weeks that I am going through is so hard...
I just dun understand why God is putting me thru all these pain?
To mould me to grow???
1. Family
My parents are driving me nuts...
My mom is insecure and is jealous that I'm spending too much time at my god-mother house, when I wasn't. Scare that I would give the family heirloom (as if there is any) to my God-mother...
I caught my dad watching pornographic VCDs one day when I came back home from work. It's not the first time. And I'm sick of scolding him...
Besides that, they have no faith in me....
I feel very alone. I feel very sick.
A home is no longer a home...
2. Friends
I'm losing myself.
I'm losing my frens.
It's a transition, I know...
From the days, we used to stick like glue.
And call each other up and hangout...
Those days are gone...
3. Church
I'm not complaining...
But lately, everyone's down
Everyone's unappreciative over one another...
I understress everyone's stressed over their work...
But haizz... basic courtesy and respect...
Do things for pple also so hard to coordinate...
I hate this feeling...
Not being concerned still nvm, still got this kind of shitty attitude.
I do understand that the devil is breaking us apart...
But I need encouragement and appreciation too.
All I can say is...
I feel hurt and am so pissed off now...
Again and again.. How do i actually stay motivated?
1 Cor 15:58 - Easier said than done.
Father Lord, I really give up on life.
I just dun wanna think of anything anymore...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
News News News...
1) Political News:

President BUSH is in TOWN...
Saw the headlines in Channel Newsasia this morning...
Be prepared to get his autograph as he passed by you on the streets...
2) Entertainment News:

石欣卉 will finally be releasing her album by the end of this month...
Heard her dance song via 93.3fm yesterday... Hmmm... Very normal leh. =P
3) Gossip News:

OMG, Saw Marcus online yesterday.
Was curious as I saw a wedding pic on his display pic.
And he claims he got married 2 weeks upon ORD...
Oh God, Stress... When's my turn???
[Marcus is my bmt-mate and poly schoolmate, same course, same batch]
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
GST hike again...
Sigh, this morning... as i was brushing my teeth & tuning in to the news...
I almost choked on my toothpaste...
"With effect from February, our beloved Uncle, PM Lee has raised the GST to a new percentage of 7%!!! [So call to help the poor families] The consumer board and restaurant association is worried that there will be an impact after the hike, and people will start doing their shopping overseas, especially Malaysia..."
Be prepared that you now have to pay an extra tax of 18% when you stepped into a restaurant...
10% Service Charge
7% GST
Sigh, it's so tough living in Singapore...

We should follow the canadians instead. >>>
I love how Mr Brown puts it...
Check this out...

Mr Brown Podcast
Monday, November 13, 2006
Talk of the town... (Entertainment News)
My counterpart in USA (Tobey Maguire)
brings you the latest updates over his latest film, Spiderman3...
Check it out...
Releasing on the May 3, 2007 Worldwide
© 2006 Sony Pictures Digital Inc. All rights reserved

Project Superstars are back again...
And this time... Err... I dun really like what I see....
They dun really have the X-factor a Star should have...
Well, based on my judgements...
Those who are gonna make it big are:
Guys: Huang ShiYu, Kenny Lim, Nathaniel Tan
Gals: Carrie Yeo, Lee Her Ching, Michelle Lew
Wish them all the best...
And may the best singer win...
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Grandma... Forgive me...

Finished watching the show "The Way Home'... It was so touching...
(FYI, I hate korean shows...)
This is the story of a 7-year-old boy, "Sang Woo", born and raised in the big city, and his mute grandmother, who has spent her whole life in a small rural village. Being a city boy who is used to the benefits and luxuries of the modern world, Sang Woo comes into conflict with a person whose soul is so close to nature. Although Sang Woo resents his grandmother at first, he is moved by her at the end. Unfortunately, it is at this time that Sang Woo must return to the city...
Grandma, I missed you so much. I am really sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for cursing you and scolding you when you lecture me. I'm sorry for threathening to throw the stool at you. I now know that you love me so much, and i miss you so much!!! Please forgive me and take good care of yourself!!!