NYPCCC update!
Hey guys and girls! We have a new and ultimate vision in NYP as people who inherit the name of Christ! And that is, "Every Christian fulfilling their calling in nyp to reach out the 14k in the power of the Holy Spirit." Notice that it is every Christian, not every crusaders, because evangelising to the mass is never a solo job, even apostle Paul uses other people like Apollos, Timothy to help him! So we must also call every Christians in NYP to recognize each other and work together as different parts in the body of Christ, with Christ as head, to come together and recognize the forces in NYP and go against them, not physically but spiritually. And our slogan is, "14k, here we come!" (by Christine Tan) and yes indeed here we come!
For now, one of the strategy we came up with to reach out our friends and classmates is the 5-3-1 method, which means target 5 ppl we know, and pray for the divine opportunity to share the gospels with 3 in the 5 and believe that 1 will receive Christ. Some of us may already know we have been doing this since last semester but the difference now is that we are combining the 5-3-1 method and interest group together. Interest groups is a new idea we came up with where people from everywhere (let's not limit only to classmates though that is primary but also friends from outside) can gather together weekly, be it Christians or non-Christians to do things that they have in common interest like watching anime and all kinds of sports etc.
So let me elaborate why is it feasible to combine both together. First we start the interest group by ourselves and as time pass we bring and invite other friends we know who have common interest with us to have fun, and from there develop geunine friendship and this is when 5-3-1 comes in. How can one receive Christ if his heart is not opened? So we bring them to us by interest groups and show them our love, do the things we like together and link up with them.
This is the update for now bros and sis, it will commence when school starts again, do feedback questions or comments if you have, transparency is important in ministry. =)
Brothers and sisters, one of the most loving thing God let it happen is that we never have to work alone. ;)
(Campus Crusade For Christ)
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