Lately, I've been watching this HK drama on SCV...
Great storyline and touching...
For my non-chinese friends, the title means
'1 house, 2 families, 3 surnames'

The story revolves around these 5 kids, whose mother died in a car accident & their father, a doctor who goes around Africa healing the sick, died of cancer. Leaving the 5 kids to his brother-in-law & sister-in-law...

The drama really made me teared... It talks abt different problems in life...
Life encircles on love. And love comes with jealousy, comes with misunderstanding... Overall, we do love each other... But we are blinded by the things we do..
Watch it for yourselves, and you'll know wad i mean.
It's available in VCDs at all video shops. Though i doubt there is chinese subtitles.
But fret not, Mediacorp will sure telecast this in no time... Or u can pay me to subtitle them... haha... just kidding.
The drama's theme song is brought to u by 李逸朗 DON

打氣 (一屋兩家三姓人主題曲) 李逸朗
作曲:李逸朗 填詞:高皓正
如若成功等於孤單 令願簡簡單單 誰在世界 能一呼當患 有一套苦水怎支撐 難得一起分擔 離別你最不怪 別放手 下決心 伴你走 就算天空都變舊 承諾過 來日我還是我 成熟了愛會更深厚 回望 天天一起 徘徊各種天氣 賺過那些悲與喜 有沒有洩氣 亦有你打氣 就算跌低亦會企得起 願你比心機 為你我會爭氣 自信有一天會飛 你以後 眼淚流請加油 定有我 緊你
Really inspired by him. He's same age as me.
Can sing, can write music, can act... Cool man.... Haha
[Pictures, videos are courtesy of TVB. Click here to see their website.]
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