Hope Singapore turns 14...

Hope Singapore turns 14 today...
Today's service was just great with a bang...
It's a pity I missed 3 people that were absent today...
Especially when 2 are my shepherds... hehe
Donnie, Jeremiah & Jeyaraj... (Jeremiah could only book out late tonight & I heard Jeyaraj had some prob back home.)
Praying for them...
Pastor Ben touched on how Hope was founded back in 1991. And also how a care group of 5 has turned into a church of 2400+ members. Praise Lord. Mentha being the pioneer of the Nepal-ese group and Abigail (MeiHwa) the pioneer of ITE Simei college.
Romans 15:20-21
1. Building new foundations (v20a)
2. Breaking new frontiers (v20b)
3. Bringing new faces (v21)
Today's message just hit me.
It makes me so urged to reach out to my camp mates (which I know is v.difficult) and also to my non-believer friends.
Especially, my ambition to... "Hope Japan".
Today really feels very different.
I'd spoke the most I'd ever spoke in Hope up-to-date. Seems like I'd opened up.
Especially to James... haha. Hope I didn't scare him. (>_< )
Also, I'd said my first "tongue" today at Nexus while praying for James' devotion to HopeSingapore. Gosh... (For ya info, I ain't spiritually baptised yet... )
After service, there was a distribution of cakes by the ushers. Sponge cakes. LOL... Kewl...
After the usual dinner get-together-joke session @ starhub, Ricky had called saying that he wanted to watch "The Pacifier". So I'd invited MeiHwa, Veron, James over to Yishun 10 for the 2350 session. It was really a great show. Couldn't stop laughing. It's just a pity that Joseph couldn't join us as he had to attend his manager's last day celebrations. Hear he got wet in his celebrations too.

Today is just a great day blessed by God.
Seems like I maybe able to go for Church Camp afterall...
Cause I'll be away to Brunei from (28/04/05-18/05/05)
It's been a long day...
And I really have to go off now..
God bless everyone... ^_^
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