Water Baptism...

A week of reading, a week of quiet time...
Indeed, God existence is present...
God is the creator of all existence...
He is even the creator of science...
But not vice versa...
Finally, I'd realized that I'm under His delicate watch.
If I wasn't, I wouldn't get this far as to get baptisted.
It's even better than striking 4D and Toto...
Getting baptisted together today are Larry, Zhonghuan-James, Reuben, Danny, Jing Min & Richard-Samuel and lots more... 129 i heard. Praise the Lord. A joyous event @ East Coast organised by Hope Singapore... Mummy & Ricky came... We really had loads of fun. Though Jasmine looked v.solemn and quiet thru-out the whole thingy... Wondered what went wrong?? She usually v.cheery... Kinda worried.
Anyway, thank "YOU" for this joyous event...
It was really very fun!!! ^_^
Click here to see the photos. Courtesy of Cedric
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