Sin might not be so simple as you think after all...
For those who are wondering why I started 'securing' my blog, i believe it's better to be transparent than naked. Too much of me might stumble people, and i dun want that...
[But still, i cannot be 100% sure that this is secured as it is just a javascript login, for html programmer... they would know how to crack this]
Met up with my spiritual counsellor, Shawn today...
I enjoy meeting up with him... Always get to learn loads of stuff.
Just to share with those who's reading...
Sin is not as simple as committing a mistake, hurt or crime...
Although you do not see the after-effects immediately or directly, but they can be quite be fatal...
The most obvious ones are those that cause mental disorders...
There are also those that causes physically illness(eg. skin problems)... Some so bad that it brings cancer...
Besides that, you should have heard of generation sins, curses and vows...
Vows need not be audible ones... Or the ones you cross ya fingers & say out loud... But for example, if your father was a bad man, abuser of your mom and probably hurt you alot, and you tell yourself that you will never be like him when you have kids. You WILL eventually grow into be like him... Sounds scary right?
I'm trying to learn too...
I'm sure you've heard of Black Magic too. Mystical powers from the unknown. Spiritual realms & warfare...
As Christians, we have to fight against all sorts of spiritual realms and powers. It is through our spiritual gifts and the Holy Spirit that we can come to battle these forces... Picture it as 'Captain Planet', 'Mighty Morphine Power Rangers' or 'Care Bears'... It is that we all have different powers and therefore combine our powers and fight the evil. But of course, the devil will always try to spoil our unity..

For those who are suffering from people sins, you would have to go for inner healing. Just like how u see a doctor, and take medication... You need to see a healer to do inner healing... with the power of God. Similarly, just like how u crave for food when u r hungry, we shld crave for God's word when we are spiritually hungry...
Interesting facts about life, isn't it?
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