Membership class...

Membership class was very encouraging today...
Learnt a lot from Pastor Dinah and Pastor Ben...
Meihwa was LEADING 'PRAISE & WORSHIP' too... WOOO!!!.... LOL
Pastor Dinah taught us abt a lot. Eg.
Pastor Ben was explaining more on our church structure...
like we are a church movement. We do not have any denominations.
We are also not an independent church like CityHarvest or New Creations.
I thought CityHarvest was 'charasmatic'?
Anyway, really had a great time there...
Was discouraged a couple of months ago... but Pastor Dinah taught me one thing...
'Regardless if we walk, run, skip, hop, jump, leap, fly (lots of faith)... We will reach the endpoint God has in store for us?'
Amen? AMEN!!!
Praise the Lord!!!
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