Jiabin's hospitalised...
A colleague of mine from my army camp just hospitalised...

His name is Jiabin...
He's from CityHarvest...
And he's working to reachout to the Japanese society...
God Bless Him and the works thru Him...
But for now,
He's hospitalised due to prolonged fever for these 2 weeks...
So serious that he was unable to get out of bed to see a doctor...
The doctor mentioned that he has lung & heart infections...
"Father Lord, I pray to you for healing for my brother Jiabin...
He has such a desire to serve you Lord... and for your people, Lord...
Thru You, you gave him grace, life and strength...
So now, I just wanna ask you to bless him with health...
So as he can do greater work for you Father,
For he glorifies You Father, He glorifies Ya name and word...
We have the faith you will cure him from his sickness...
and thus I leave him in your graceful hands,
So I pray this in our most gracious saviour & healer's name, Jesus Christ...
*PS... JB, I'll be praying and fasting for you hor... Get well soon, alright ^_^
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