Jesus is my ark...

It had not come to my notice that the film was actually done by a Hong Kong Chinese church association. Wow...
The message was a real impact. The movie showed the details of how Noah's ark had rested on the Mount Ararat @ Turkey after the Great flood 5000 years ago. It was said that Mt Ararat was real holy. It even showed us that there has been occasions where red snow falled on the mountain and after, brought great harvest... but few years ago. the red snow happened... but the harvest wasn't a good one. A warning. A sign. A message... Archeologists even managed to dig out wood that is 5000+ years old... suggesting that it belongs to the 'Ark'... and they proved that God's greatest flood back then had killed civilsations or even buried them... Leaving an early Japanese civilisation under the sea. But some years back, the Turkey government had place an order that no one were to explore Mt Ararat due to military reasons. But there was this turkish guy who managed to do secret climbs and even found the entrance of the founding of the Ark... They was even one part of it where there were spiritual presence guarding the ark. The locals there called it the Satan Valley. The cameras had difficulty focusing it. It was really scary.
Guys. The end of days might seem very near. It must a reminder to me from 'Daddy'. We must start to have a sense of urgency to His people and God now. According to Pastor Ben, he said that there are 1/3 of Singaporeans(3-4 millions populations) who are christians... including the Catholics, i guess. That means around 1.5 millions singaporeans are not saved yet. Let's start throwing our life-saving ring floats to those people out there. We may be on Jesus' ark already but we are not to be selfish. Jesus' great commission awaits us...

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