Belated Birthday Surprise (Thanks DI!!!)

After work (docked work @ 1730), I went for prayer-meet @ the AMK ministry house...
They were acting v.weirdly when I arrived. Saw Donnie in the kitchen...
I tot he was so hungry that he was cooking something...
Was so keen to try Donnie's cooking...But when I approach him to ask what he was doing, he snugged up behind the fridge door, told me that I shldn't be in the kitchen and was trying to hide something from me...
Haha... Saw a candle in his hand sticking out from the edge of the fridge door.
The others were in the room doing something that was not to be known... Hmmm...
Prayer-meet was kinda weird... We started off with some kind of 'grammy award presentation'... Haha... It was some X-Men/X-Women award... and the awards were plates with the winners' names... Jeyeraj, Richard, JingMin, James, Stephen & etc...(Sorry, 4got the names...) Awards like 'Most faithful shepherd", "Most Creative Care... Leader", "Most Encouraging...." & dunno something "Salt and Light"... etc
After that, we did our worshipping...
Asking for His blessing, asking him to strengthen us... our DI group
As we are the most fastest-growing unit in the tertiary groups...
The whole prayer meet took quite some time, it was already 2030 already...
Was kinda hungry & tired liao... so I couldn't focus...
It would also take me 40 minutes to reach home by train...
And I would have some chores to settle at home...
And I gotta wake up by 0545am tmr morning...
So I went to approach MeiHwa to excuse me because I need to go liao...
But then, everybody started to be 'funny'. Speaking tongues to each other and distracting me from talking to MeiHwa... So... The room was in a mess.. !@#$%^&*
Before I knew it, Donnie came from behind me and presented a small birthday cake...
Chocolatey heart-shaped one... >_< And everybody started clapping and singing the birthday song... I was so embarrased, so paiseh, so touched and so speechless...
I was told to make 3 wishes...
Which I shared with the family of DI...
1. (Coming soon) Jeremiah is training me to be a shepherd... Hope that God bless me the wisdom to absorb it asap so that I can be a shepherd in 2weeks time... (Can't take my word back now, hehe)
2. The target for DI4 is 8 pple... May we acchieve that number for this month (& May God bless DI4 to be united together as we work together for God's goals, let the evil one tempt us no more...) As Jasmine told us, "As DI4[NSmen] is a very unique group, with very little time to meet, very little time to care & contact each other, we must work more on our faith and character... 'Quality than quantity'...
3. May DI continue to be the best, fastest growing unit in Hope's tertiary unit forever... May God bless his workers...
Xiuzhen presented to me a bouquet of plastic flowers... and ask me to accept it as a birthday gift... LoL... Then the guys affirmed me... Jeyeraj, Richard, Meihwa, Donnie, James... V.touched... And err, they very good storytellers siah... I where got so good... Say until like I some TV-Media product like that... And after, all of them gave me birthday cards... Felt like some movie stars... Haha... In the end, Donnie gave me the whole cake... and expected me to bring home... Ahhh...
"Cannot la... The SMRT will fine me..."
Really wish the guys could share the cake with me... Would feel v.happy...
"So... who says God never bless me any cake this year? Hahah"
Lastly, I thanked everyone and made my 'closing speech'... LOL
"Guys, thank you all so much for today's arrangements... and I really appreicate everything. Also, I wanna encourage all you guys out there, shepherds or non-shepherds, CL or non-CL... Continue growing/working for God... Push on... Never lose ya faith... Never give yourself a reason to doubt God... We all have problems in our life, but never give up faith... Just like last Saturday's service, 'these are all testings from God', Paster Alan said... I myself am facing some financial prob. though I dun show it... but I have faith in Him that He will never ditch me... God will never neglect me nor shortchange me... Place all ya problems in His hands, seek Him for encouragement/wisdom... together we will serve God to the fullest!!! Amen?"
The response was unanimous...
Sadly, the celebration came to an end as they had to start their DMM meeting...
But ultimately... a strong presense of unity of God's people was among us...
God Bless DI!
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